Sunday, December 18, 2011

Independent Research

In 1991 Dave Grohl joined a little band from Seattle called Nirvana and for the next three years they flip the music world on its head. After the passing on front man Kurt Cobain in 1994, Grohl decided to put together an album of his own work. This would be the start of one of the most successful rock bands in music history, the Foo Fighters.
            Dave had two very important roles on that first Foo Fighters album. Dave was both Producer and Musician. Since he was doing this album out of his own pocket there was no label provided prouder. All of the songs were put onto the record just as Dave had heard them in his head.
            Since it was the first thing he had done since the end of Nirvana and because of this he played every interment. This in itself was a feet. Normally the drummers are looked at as the least intelligent member of the band. What they don’t realize is that without a great drummer good guitar riffs and catchy lyrics wont go anywhere. Dave Grohl was that drummer, not only did he play the drums but he was also capable of playing every other and writes songs.  Foo Fighter was completely produced and preformed by the “least intelligent” member of the band.
            Dave has been able to impact many people with the resulting 16 year career he has turned the Foo Fighters into. From many young kids who would listen to Nevermind so they could learn how to play the drums. I know this because the first song I ever learned to play was ‘In Bloom’ off that album; to this day it is still one of my favorite songs to play.  Now today he is influencing the music committee as a whole.  The newest Foo Fighters album is the bands fist number one hit and it was recorded and editied completely on tape. They decided that they were going to make this album the way all of thie favorite albums had been made. They were able to show that recording 100% to tape is still a viable money making endeavor.
            As a listener I love what Grohl is doing. He is staying true to the music he wants to play and not pumping out what the industry say we want to hear.  As and industry professional he is an inspiration.  He is a multi talented musician, who has created one of the most successful bands in the history of rock and roll. He is all so the nicest man in rock and roll. A lot of horror stories are told about how ruthless this industry can been but it is refreshing to hear that there are still people out there that aren’t full of themselves and complete a$$holes.

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