Monday, December 19, 2011

Beatles Revolver

The Beatles have created many hits that have changed the face of music forever. Revolver was the panicle of their creative albums and is considered one of the greatest albums of all time.  
            Before Revolver the Beatles were contending with the Beach Boys for control of the Pop world. The Beatles would come out with a single only to have the Beach Boys also put out a single. This “feud” went one for quite a while as the two band always tried to out do the other. Even when they started down the experimental track both bands experimented more and more.
             During the creation of Revolver the Beatles were influenced by something completely non-musical, DRUGS. They had discovered weed and LSD’s, which had a large effect on what the music sounded like that they were producing.  The more drugs The Beatles did the more out there their music got.
            Revolver is one of their best. They were getting into doing drugs and really experimenting with their sound. They were trying new things in the studio, really using the studio as another instrument. They created new production methods that would become standards for all music to come after them.   They doubled up many of the instruments to give them a much bigger fuller sound. They also started to do the same with their vocals.
            As a listener I love Revolver. Even though Abby Road is and always has been my favorite Beatles album, but Revolver is still one of their most influential albums.
Many of the tracks off this album remind me of my childhood. Riding with my parents. Their music has played a big role in my life as both a musician and as a Recording Engineer.  As a Industry Professional this album is very important. During the production they were doing a lot of drugs and experimenting and pusjhing the envelope on what they could produce in the studio.

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