Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Beach Boys- Pet Sounds

My musical interests where shaped buy my parents much like a lot of other people. My mother and father had wildly different tastes in music, one was a hippy rocker, listening Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep, King Crimson, and Jefferson Starship, and the other listened to 50's doowop and Elvis. Although there were a few bands that managed to bridge the gaps between both my parents musical tastes the Beach Boys where one of those bands.  At any point during my day I spent with either parent I would listen to all different kinds of songs and albums by the Beach Boys.

The light surf feel to their songs about surfing or their songs of automobile love like ‘409’ or ‘Little Duce Coup’ of were direct results to their California up bringing.  These songs seemed to reach someone in am walk of life at the time. No mater where they lived from the hills of West Virginia to the coasts of California there was something for everyone. 

Bryan Wilson is the songwriter and “Mad Scientist” of the band. He wasn’t the kind of mad scientist that you normally think of.  There were no Jacobs ladders or beakers of bubbling gaseous liquids lying around but he did implement many strange and new “instruments” into Beach Boy recordings. Most notable is the Theremin, a new electronic instrument that to this day has not been able to find its true home in music.

There was an almost an unspoken battle between The Beach Boys and The Beatles the two top groups at the time. This almost, feud between these two giant bands drove Bryan to constantly strive and try new techniques in the studio.  But because of it these bands where able to put out two of the most influential albums, Pet Sounds and Revolver.

The Pet Sounds album was big on vocal harmonies. Those harmonies played a large role in the types of music that the Wilson brothers had always listened to Bryan especially.

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